Posts tagged Swing
Theodore's Newborn Sneak Peek

Theodore was one snuggly little guy when he came in for his newborn studio session last week. He was also already getting chunky with perfect rolls on his back and chubby cheeks. I had a lot of fun visiting with his family and capturing these special newborn memories for them.

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Daphne's Newborn Sneak Peek

It was so wonderful to see this family again, now as they welcomed their second baby girl! Daphne was so precious during her newborn photography session, sleeping the entire time and being indifferent to any props or poses. She had the best chubby cheeks and continuously stuck out her little tongue during our time together and I had such fun with her photos and adding flower details.

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Landon's Newborn Sneak Peek

It was so wonderful to see this family again as they now welcome their second little boy into the world! I was honored to capture big brother’s newborn photos a few years ago, and it was great to see him, now beaming to be an older brother.

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Lukas' Newborn Sneak Peek

It was such a joy to see this family again as they welcomed their newest little boy, Lukas, to the family! I first met them when their oldest child was born almost 2 years ago, and it was so wonderful to see how much he’s grown and to capture photos of him now as big brother.

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Ainsley's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet Ainsley is finally here! I was honored to get to photograph her mom’s maternity pictures and meet the couple earlier this year, and we’ve all been eagerly awaiting this little one’s arrival. Ainsley was absolutely perfect and so relaxed I was able to not only capture tiny hands and curly sleepy posed, but I got to try out a brand new swing prop.

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