Lukas' Newborn Sneak Peek

It was such a joy to see this family again as they welcomed their newest little boy, Lukas, to the family! I first met them when their oldest child was born almost 2 years ago, and it was so wonderful to see how much he’s grown and to capture photos of him now as big brother.

Lukas was one chunky baby with the best cheeks and rolls on his back. His mom brought in a sweet knit outfit for a particular photo we did with her oldest, and this time Lukas barely fit! But was was a fabulous sleeper and he didn’t mind any of the props or wraps the entire session.

We were able to capture many great family pictures with just his brother, his parents, and grandmother. That little boy is already surrounded by such love, and his brother was a great sport to hop in and out of pictures always with his very best smile.

We did classic boy colors in tan and blue, and Lukas loved being wrapped up and swaddled as long as his hand was free to be near his face. He also totally relaxed and entered deep sleep while on the beanbag, which meant I was able to get those special pics with lazy arms overhead or resting on his chest while curled up.

My new favorite prop is quickly becoming the simple swing, and Lukas was so funny as he rolled over on his own after the side lying pose, and truly relaxed. I was able to grab the swing and tuck it under his legs, wrap his fingers around the rope handles, and get a gorgeous photo of him swinging in the stars.

I wish this family a huge congratulations on sweet Lukas and am so happy I was able to be part of these special memories again. Welcome to the world, Lukas!

Lukas newborn boy blue tan sibling denver studio session.jpg

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.