Brynlee's Newborn Sneak Peek

Brynlee was a tiny little one in the studio this past week, weighing in at maybe 4 pounds. She also was a terrific sleeper and I was able to pull out my little cup prop that really only fits preemies like her. After meeting her parents during their maternity photo session, it was such a joy to see them again and meet Brynlee for these special photos.

Since Brynlee was so tiny, there were several adjustments I made for props and headbands. She needed a little extra support on the moon but slept like a champ and I love how my flower hat just seemed to swallow her tushie.

I also have a coffee cup of sorts that I purchased years ago for my son, but it’s truly only big enough to hold tiny babies. Brynlee, however, was a perfect fit, and she was super comfortable snuggled inside with a knit blanket.

We also were able to add in a second heart bowl prop as the parents wanted only a few images with them. So not only were we able to get her tucked inside the bowl, I convinced the parents to at least step into the frame for a few to show off how truly tiny she is in their hands. Yay!

We finished with some curly sleepy poses on the bean bag where Brynlee flashed me a few awesome smiles. She was so comfortable and happy in the warm room that she made it look easy to move her or add different wraps or hats. What a fun way to end!

It was so wonderful to see this family again and meet their new baby. I can’t wait to share this little peek into their sweet newborn session.

Brynlee newborn girl preemie sneak peek green white neutrals moon prop cup heart bowl.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.