Westley's Newborn Sneak Peek

This little guy came a few weeks early and he was so tiny! I had the joy of taking the couple’s maternity photos earlier this summer and it was wonderful to now meet Westley and capture these first memories as a family of three.

Westley was a tiny at just over 5 pounds so I had to pull out my smaller hats or tuck them behind his head at times as many outfits or hats just swallowed him up! He was a fabulous sleeper and loved to be curled up on his tummy in particular, but he also rocked all the big props like the bucket and being on his back in the heart bowl.

His mom requested blues and also mentioned she liked the forest greens, so I enjoyed incorporating both of those into the fabrics and items used for his session. It turned out to be a classic boy theme with the greenery and adding tans with the blue and green blankets, and Westley was adorable now matter what he wore.

I did get a brand new bonnet and matching wrap that looks like a fox, and once I saw that his mom had forest animals on his baby items I knew this was the perfect opportunity to use it for the first time. I loved it! I’ve been wanting to add more options for bonnets other than the bear ones I’ve had for a few years, and the fox may be a new favorite.

We ended with the curly poses on my beanbag and Westley was still sleeping away so I was able to add in the second colored fabric. I also love the final image with him tucked in with a little bear as he was so happy to be snuggled in and warm.

A huge congratulations to this family on your precious boy and I’ve loved being part of preserving such special memories!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.