Camilla's Newborn Sneak Peek

This little girl made us all wait until her due date for her arrival, but she finally came and we had such a wonderful newborn session! She had the best chubby cheeks and we dressed up her session in pinks and florals, bringing all the spring feminine vibes.

Camilla is one special little gal as her dads came all the way from Seattle for their new baby girl. Plus I could tell her older brother does all he can to be helpful and he, too, has been eagerly awaiting his sister.

We had to thread the needle a bit on the timing for her newborn pictures before their flight home, so she is also one of the youngest babies I’ve seen in the studio in a while. But you’d never know that with her cubby legs and cheeks and her perfect skin - guess she knew what she was doing waiting for her due date!

I had such fun pulling all the pinks and feminine props for her session along with the spring flowers. Her dad also loved the princess carriage prop, and Camilla was still a great fit inside. In fact, she surprised everyone and I truly laughed out loud as she gave the biggest and longest smile ever in that carriage - what a special picture!

We also captured lots of family portraits and special images with her big brother. She needed a few feeding breaks in there to stay happy, but overall she was a fabulous sleeper and loved being curled up on her tummy for our final pictures at the end.

I wish this family a huge congratulations on your newest addition and I’m so honored to be part of preserving these very special memories. Welcome to the world, Camilla!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.