Meghan's Maternity Sneak Peek

This couple braved the incredibly windy day earlier this week for Meghan’s maternity session. We trekked over to Mount Falcon near the foothills for her session, and despite the wind we had a gorgeous evening with an incredible sunset and all the spring greens and colors starting to show in the area.

I’ve been to other areas and open spaces in Jefferson County, but this particular park and trail area was a new location for me. I loved the big open grasses and the visibility to see a few red rock formations. One bonus was that the trail winded around a bit downhill so it helped block the wind as we got to the slightly lower elevation.

Meghan had a few inspiration pics she wanted to use for her maternity portraits, and the first set was showed off her beautiful bump and her ultrasound picture. We got their fur baby to join for a few pictures, too, and then of course snagged some of the couple before she changed into her green dress.

We walked down the trail a little ways and stopped whenever there were great views of the mountains around us or the interesting rock formations. Meghan humored me with trying several areas including a bridge and sitting on the path and we had so many great images it was hard to narrow them down!

Right at the end we had a spectacular sunset when the light hit those moody clouds from earlier. We were able to get a few final images of the couple against the huge Colorado sky and with their dog again for a wonderful way to end the session.

I wish this couple so much happiness as you eagerly await the birth of you little one! Enjoy these final weeks together before you become a family of three.

Thinking of booking a maternity session for your little bump? It's never too early to get on my calendar to make sure we time it right in your third trimester. I love to offer these special sessions to my newborn clients, so check out my newborn package and be sure to preserve all these special memories for YOUR family!