Cadence's Newborn Sneak Peek
I know this family eagerly awaited this little girl’s arrival at the end of last year! The couple waited to find out of the gender until the big day and we were all surprised and thrilled to learn they added another little girl to the family.
Cadence is already surrounded by a lot of love, especially from her big siblings. I loved taking the family and sibling photos for this group as they are good friends of ours and I knew they were excited to be there. The kids, particularly the girls, had lots of opinions on the new princess carriage prop and where to place Cadence. They wanted to make sure everything was perfect for their sister. I also chuckled a few times with the kids laying on the ground as each wanted a turn to snuggle the baby.
The big family photo was also fun as we got pictures with all six of them with mom and then dad holding the new baby. The kids were wonderful listeners and I got great smiles and snuggles for Cadence.
Mom asked to include some purple and lavender for the newborn session, so I had fun mixing some winter vibes with purples and flowers. Cadence was a great sleeper and didn’t mind being on her back or tummy, so I was able to even add a few quick images in the heart shaped bowl before we moved to the beanbag images. Plus she even relaxed enough at the end for me to get several key images for the always popular chin in hands composite and I must say, she nailed it.
A huge congrats to this amazing family on your sweet new addition! I sure loved to see everyone in person and spend time capturing these memories with Cadence.
Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.