Jaxson's Newborn Sneak Peek

I’ve been anxiously waiting to hear this little guy had made his arrival, and he made everyone wait until after his due date! I was so excited to finally meet him after spending time with his parents earlier this summer for two separate maternity sessions. And boy was he cute!

Jaxson was a great little sleeper for me, too, allowing us to get lots of curly sleepy baby poses. I knew his nursery was decorated with a mountain, woodland type theme and so we kept that going with my rustic prop and lots of blues and greys. His parents also brought in a gorgeous sign they had made for over his crib, and I loved incorporating that into several images. Plus they brought several of his soft woodland stuffed animals and a deep blue rug. The rug turned out beautifully with his vibrant blue colors that I’m now questioning if it’s something I should add to my prop collection. His parents also humored me with a new idea to have him “hanging” in my rustic wooden bed, so they held up the heavy prop (empty of course for safety) for a few minutes while standing on tip-toe. I added little Jaxson in later and I love how he’s hanging beneath his two moms.

A huge congrats to you both on your beautiful son! I have been honored to be part of photographing your journey over the last few months, and so hope to see you all again as Jaxson grows and changes.

Boy Blue Woodland Rustic Newborn Session

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.