Christian's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet little Christian and his family came into the studio earlier this week for his photography debut. He was such a precious little guy and he did a fabulous job sleeping through his session, even after driving here from Northglenn on the other side of Denver. He needed one small break to eat and then entered a milk coma and let me finish all the setups while he snoozed away. It always makes me smile how newborns can just pass out and sleep after they get a full tummy.

Christian’s mom wanted to keep classic boy colors with blue and grey, and loved the moon prop so I did several with just the baby and more with his big brother and sister. His siblings were so sweet and gentle with their brother, and at one point his sister even told me to make sure I was careful with him. The older kids did a wonderful job snuggling their baby brother on the blanket and I hear they got to go out for an ice cream treat and playground time after doing such a wonderful job for the photos. I also captured some new backlit images with just the parents that I’m excited to incorporate into galleries, plus more with mom’s hands at the end. Christian woke up for these pictures but was quietly alert, and I love how we got a magical photo with his eyes open and curled in his mom’s hands.

Thanks so much to this family for coming all the way to my studio in Aurora for these special photos. It warms my heart to share images like these with families who are so excited to come for pictures.

Classic Newborn Boy Sneak Peek Collage

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.