Cecilia's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet baby Cecilia, or baby Coco as her family affectionately calls her, came by earlier this week for a special newborn session. She was completely asleep when she arrived, having driven to my studio from close to Boulder! What an honor to be selected as her newborn photographer and to have her family come all the way to me for her newborn session.

Coco’s mom told me that her nursery had a unicorn theme with lots of pink, purple, and blue. I was able to get some brand new headbands in just for her so we were sure to have some unicorn ones. Plus it’s always fun to have an excuse to buy some girly props for the studio! Coco looked adorable with the precious new headbands, and I had extra fun later adding in what I’ll call “unicorn glitter” to a special moon prop photo.

Big brother took a few minutes to get used to all the new things, especially the lights and warm room. But once I found his sweet spot was playing high five, he flashed me the best smiles. The family and sibling photos are just adorable and he was a trooper for being such a great sport.

Coco got the hiccups toward the end, which is the ultimate bummer in newborn photography. Those darn hiccups keep babies awake and mess up their tummies. It took a little bit of rocking and sushing, but Coco went back to sleep so I could grab some beautiful images on the beanbag. I think pink is her color.

A huge thank you to this family for trusting me with these special memories! Again, I’m truly honored to be part of Coco’s story.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.


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