Posts in Newborn
Tara's Newborn Sneak Peek

This sweet little girl was truly an angel to work with during her newborn session last week. She was so sleepy and snuggly that we were able to do several props and poses plus the froggie pose at the end of our time in not just one, but two hats! I loved the blue and purple combination, too, which lent to a few winter details here and there. Overall just a truly fun morning spent in the studio!

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Jaiden's Newborn Sneak Peek

It was such a treat to have Jaiden in the studio last week with his parents! He was a smaller baby and that meant I got to bring out some long anticipated new props for him to try! We did a blue and tan theme and added the moon prop and new moon basket, and Jaiden rocked his entire session whether he was wrapped or snuggled in a blanket.

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Rylan's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet Rylan was in the studio last week and I had a great time with her newborn session, styling it in pink and blue with winter vibes and snowflakes. She was such a snuggly little girl and I love all the flowers we incorporated to make her session girly but also kept some blue winter tones for this January baby.

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Grant's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet Grant had a rough start in this world with an extended NICU stay to get his blood sugar levels stabilized. But I’m so happy to share that he’s now doing great, thriving, and was a fabulous model for his newborn session last week. So while we didn’t get the hospital pictures we’d imagined, we did wonderful newborn pictures in the studio with the whole family.

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Lionel's Newborn Sneak Peek

Lionel was such a sweetheart during his big newborn photo session. He was still tiny at about 2 weeks old and we were able to capture so many classic newborn pictures along with holiday images for Christmas.

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Chloe's Newborn Sneak Peek

I feel like we’ve all been waiting for Chloe all summer! Last time I saw this sweet family was for their fun maternity session outdoors with their older son and I know we were all so excited to finally be back in the studio, this time for Chloe’s big newborn photo session. Mom requested lots of pinks and I added a few fun touches of fall colors, plus we captured lots of family pictures.

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