Maya's Newborn Sneak Peek

We went with all things girly, pink and purple, for this sweet girl’s newborn photos. We did a few props but kept the focus on Maya and she looked so beautiful with all the flowers and colors, plus gave a bonus bright eyed smile at the very end.

Maya and her family came in for photos when she was about a week old, the perfect age for those sleepy curly newborn pictures. Maya was a great little model, and I think she loved the bucket the most as she snuggled right in and even flashed her dimples a few times while snoozing away.

We captured family pictures with her parents and even her grandmother. Plus we got a three generation women photo with Maya, her mom, and grandma which always is a special bonus during these types of sessions.

Maya had lots of flowers and pink and purple colors for her blankets and wraps, and slept away until right at the very end, which was more than ok. She woke right as I was trying for one final “sleepy” pose, but instead of that I got a big wide eyed smile as she looked right the camera. It was totally unexpected but such a special surprise and I can’t wait to share it with her family.

A big congrats on your newest little one! She is so precious and I hope to see you all again as she grows and changes!

Maya Newborn Girl Pink Purple Phot Sneak Peek.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.