Sunny's Two Year Sneak Peek

I have loved getting to be part of this sweet girl’s photos the past few years, and it’s hard to believe she is now two years old! Sunny has always been such a happy kid, and this time was no different, as we captured new photos for her family and even got some special one’s with mom.

Sunny initially came in a little shy, but quickly realized we were going to have lots of fun and I had fun things planned during her pictures. She got to play with blocks and built towers to knock over, and really felt like such a big kid with all the different chairs and stools she could sit on.

She had brought two special loveys with her, and occasionally we took pictures with those or set them next to me to watch her take photos with her big smile. I personally love the pictures of my kids with their stuffed animal friends from when they were younger, as so many memories are tied to those. So it was fun to include Sunny’s for a few pictures as keepsakes for her family.

I also have a newer background with a giant sun on it, and I’m so glad mom saw it as it was the perfect one for Sunny! She got to try even more chairs, get photos with mom, and have a mini tea party where she arranged all the cups and served her mom.

It was such fun to see this sweet girl again as she’s always so happy and joyful during our sessions. She really lives into her name and I can’t wait to share this special sneak peek of her at two years old.

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure I have availability around your desired session date. Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone packages for all of baby's first year and simply kid session for kids older than one.