Warta Winter Family Sneak Peek

It was so wonderful to see this family again and meet their youngest, who wasn’t quite with us yet at our last family photo session. These kids were fabulous, both in listening and playing with each other. They gave great snuggles with their parents and we got to let them roam and be themselves at the end which is always fun. Plus the weather wasn’t too cold but was a perfect balance of keeping some snow on the ground.

It’s truly been a joy to photograph this family over the years and watch as their kids and family grow. All the kids were great at finding special locations for each of their individual pictures, which certainly showcased their personalities, and in being kind to each other.

We got the most important family portraits taken at the beginning just in case, but then were also able to capture other full family moments all the way to the end. Mom was super smart and had a thermos of hot chocolate for kids to drink mid-session and take a break with homemade cookies. YUM! And I must say those special “every day” type moments are so fun to capture when both parents get to be in the frame.

I also love the “smoochie face” pictures mom requested with both parents kissing the kids on the cheeks. After all the cocoa and cookies the kids were eager to give mom and dad a big hug for those pictures!

We walked down a big hill to let the kids romp in the snow and just play toward the end, which allowed us to get some of just mom and dad while the kids were entertained. Plus I absolutely love the final photo we took as it so perfectly captures life with four kids - not everyone looking at the camera, laughter and a little bit of chaos, but so much family love.

Thinking of booking a family session for your own updated family pictures? It's never too early to get on my calendar to make sure I have availability, especially in the fall which fills up quickly. Feel free to check out my family package and be sure to preserve all those special memories for YOUR family!