Emma's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet little Emma was such a joy to photograph earlier this week during her studio newborn session. She was tiny and such a great snuggly sleeper that we were able to capture so many props and incorporate the flowers and special bunny bonnet her mom brought. It even flowed with the feminine fall vibe I’ve decorated around the studio, and I can’t wait to share this peek with her family!

Emma’s mom had several photos she’d seen on my website that she loved and wanted to use as for Emma. She also had a few that allowed me to get my creative juices flowing but in the photographing and in the editing, and it was truly fun to step into some new poses like the potato sack pose and then add in fun sparkle lights and elements into a few special images.

Her family also shared that this is the Year of the Rabbit in Japan, so they brought a sweet little rabbit ear bonnet to use for some of Emma’s pictures. I love it so much I will likely be purchasing one for myself as it made for the sweetest pictures. And Emma even smiled in one toward the end while wearing it!

I also added in flower elements, some from her mom and some I had, and they ended up being the perfect fall feminine touch for Emma’s pictures. Emma even let me play around with the flowers along her back toward the end as she was curled on the beanbag.

What a great way to start the week and I loved getting to meet this family and photograph these special memories. Welcome to the world, Emma!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.