Lulia's Purple and Gold Butterfly Cake Smash

Lulia is celebrating her very first birthday in style! Her mom requested purple with gold butterflies to match her party décor, and I had so much fun creating this special set just for her and adding in lots of butterfly details.

Lulia gave a few sneaky smiles but pretended to be a very serious baby during our photos. We got a few peeks at her sweet dimples and she had fun crawling around the set and playing with the pearl necklaces. She especially liked to sort them.

She was such a good sport as we used various chairs and props to entice a smile from her. We were able to capture some in her sparkly tutu with the big white chair and the small curved toddler chair, and she was adorable with her big brown eyes trying to figure out what the fuss was all about.

But I think Lulia’s favorite part was her cake! She went for it right away, trying to eat the cake topper and then playing in the frosting on the top of the cake. She even went for a quick lick of the top face first, but then decided licking from her fingers was more productive. Plus we got some genuine smiles before she decided she was done with cake and wanted to get cleaned up.

A very happy first birthday to you, Miss Lulia! I hope you have a fabulous party today and get to enjoy more delicious cake!

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.

JENNIFER LYNN PHOTOGRAPHY: Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family