Margot's Newborn Sneak Peek

I had a lot of fun planning the colors and props for this sweet girl’s newborn photo session. Plus Margot was a great model and loved being on her back and having her arms up by her face. She already showed such personality that it sure made my job fun!

Margot was such a snuggler during her big newborn photo debut. She was a deep sleeper and that makes it fun to adjust tiny fingers and toes while I have babies in different props. Her older brother was also an awesome helper and was beyond excited to be there taking pictures. He had the best smiles and even lay down with Margot to give her a hug and “hold” her like a big kid!

Her mom had requested blue, green, and neutral colors for her session with simple pros. Since her brother is so young I needed at least one bigger prop for him to sit next to, but afterwards we adjusted to simple baskets and blankets. And I had a few new items in tans and green as I’ve noticed how popular sage has been recently, so Margo got to try out some special new fabric layers and headbands.

She also slept like a champ up and loved either being curled on her back with her fingers by her face, or tucked up with her feet scrunched on her tummy. And so many smiles! I can’t tell you the number of full out grins she flashed during her session! I loved it!

A huge congrats to this family on such a sweet baby girl! Thanks for sharing both your kids with me and I hope to see you all again!

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.