Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Brett's Newborn Photo Sneak Peek

I was so excited to meet this sweet girl and see her family again. 4 years ago, her mom and I had babies just 1 day apart and I got to take Logan’s newborn photos. Now they have completed their family with three precious girls, and I loved capturing these special memories for the family.

Brett is the newest little addition, and she sure is surrounded by older sister helpers who love her. Her mom wanted to keep the focus on just Brett with simple props and pink and cream colors, so we used buckets and bowls for her instead of bigger props.

I loved the sweet and simple wraps and colors for the session, and her big sisters did a wonderful job snuggling her on the blanket and sitting next to her in a bucket. Brett also was a wonderful sleeper who didn’t mind being on her tummy or side, and she was a perfect fit inside the heart bowl.

At the end, Brett woke up a little so we stopped and let her eat then tried for one final pose with her chin in her hands. She was quietly alert and still trying to decide on if she was going to fall back asleep, but we got a wonderful capture of her beautiful eyes looking at the camera.

A big congrats to this family on your new little girl! It was so great to see everyone again and to preserve such special memories for you.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.