Luciano's Newborn Boy Sneak Peek

Sweet Luciano was a perfect model for his big newborn photo debut. He was a great little sleeper, and I love how we used tans and neutral tones for his classic boy session, adding in mom’s favorite color as a pop of red toward the end.

Luciano arrived with his parents and god-mother/aunt, and both his mom and aunt were such amazing assistants I may just hire them out next time I have twins come in! They were so attentive with making sure Luciano’s hair was combed and passed me pacis and other items. I truly enjoyed getting to visit with them and chat while we took Luciano’s newborn photos.

We used Earth tones, as his mom requested, and the tans and blues were a great compliment to this little guy and his full head of dark hair. He also had some awesome lashes and let me play around with his fingers to make sure they were picture perfect for all his different poses.

Mom had also requested something different than the moon prop, so we used my twig bed in those brown and cream shades and I love how it kept the focus on the baby and fit him perfectly.

At the end there was a final request for some images of Luciano on the black fabric with the red wrap twisted around him. We captured a few with his parents’ hands along with just him alone with his tiny arm raised, and I had a hard time selecting just one for his sneak peek and I loved them all.

A big congrats to this family on your new little one. He is precious and I hope to see you all again as he grows and changes.

Luciano Tan Neutral Newborn Boy Photo Collage.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.