Eli's Newborn Photos Sneak Peek

Eli was such an adorable little guy for his newborn photos earlier this week. He had the best double chin and chubby cheeks, plus an awesome big brother and family who came along for his special photo debut.

We did a classic color pallet for Eli for his newborn photos, with blue and grey colors along with accents in tan and white. Plus when I brought out my tiny teddy bear and knit bear hat for Eli and he gave the best pucker lips right when I grabbed my camera.

Eli’s older brother also was a fabulous model with a great toothless smile. I joked with him about my own seven year old and how I call him Toothless all the time since he’s lost so many teeth in the front. Hopefully he got the How to Train Your Dragon reference as I really enjoyed the banter and capturing his great smile.

We got several great family photos, too, with both parents and then everyone together. Eli was perfectly content either swaddled in a wrap, propped in a bucket, or on the moon prop. Basically he was happy to be in a warm room and slept like an angel the entire time, letting me pose him down to the very last finger placement.

We ended with some of my new favorite poses in an adorable suspender pant set and then tucked in a blanket with a sleepy cap. I so enjoyed my morning with this little dude and I can’t wait so share more of his photos with his family soon!

Eli Newborn Boy Blue Grey Collage.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.