Ezana's Newborn Sneak Peek

This sweet boy and his family came in over the weekend for his special newborn photography session. Ezana was a perfect little model and was super sleepy, even flashing a few of those precious newborn smiles for a few of his pictures.

Ezana really was a wonderful little boy during his session, making my job look easy! He was super snuggly on the moon prop, even at 8 pounds of belly and cuteness. His cousin came over for a few photos and she reminded me of my own two year old with all her personality. She eventually sat for a few that I was able to snag really fast, and the bubbles sure helped bribe her to sit just long enough for me to grab the photos.

We used classic boy colors for Ezana’s pictures with different shades of navy and blue with accents of grey. I added in my knit bear and bonnet for a few photos and then my other favorite knit hat with bear ears on top. Ezana truly was a wonderful sleepy baby, letting me get all the angles and images I wanted while he slept.

We ended with some beautiful photos of the new family of three with special cultural clothing. Everyone had the same gold and blue colors to coordinate, and since Ezana was sleeping away in his onesie, we did more casual poses of mom holding her newborn son. I love that we captured both some more formal family and parent poses earlier in the session, and ended with intimate and personal photos that really capture the love for this little boy.

A big thanks to this family for allowing me to be part of these memories, and congrats again on your sweet little Ezana!

Ezana Sneak Peek Collage.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.