Kaley's Newborn Floral Sneak Peek

Sweet Kaley made her debut a little earlier than expected and was still pretty tiny when she came into the studio for her newborn photos. But she was oh so precious, and it was wonderful to see her family again with their newest little one now officially part of the family.

Kaley’s mom requested all things girly for her photos, and mentioned the pinks and greenery for her nursery. I had so much fun pulling out the flowers and I even splurged and purchased a new garland with white roses just for her.

She also loved the look of the Moses basket, and Kaley was a perfect fit inside my circular basket decked out with flowers and green garland. She also got a very special sweet kiss from her older sister, and I was so impressed how perfectly she did it! Mom said they’d be practicing and it certainly paid off!

Kaley was a little angel the entire time, allowing me to get her fingers just right and take lots of sleepy curly newborn photos. We capture several pictures on a blush pink fabric and one called “sugar spun”, which is a gorgeous off white textured fabric. Plus she was so sleepy at the end we easily snapped the chin in hands pose.

A huge congrats to this family on your newest little one! Enjoy all those sweet new snuggles!

Kaley newborn girl pink green flower circle basket sneak peek.jpg

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.