Brayden's Newborn Boy Sneak Peek

I’ve been excited to meet little Brayden ever since his mom’s maternity session a few weeks ago. His older brother was just adorable and so happy to be there that I knew this session would be special, especially with photos of the brothers together and the family of four.

Brayden was one of the bigger babies I’ve worked with but boy was he adorable! He had the best little rolls on his back and legs, plus awesome little cheeks. He also was a very deep sleeper, which allowed me to work through all my props in record time. I even was able to add in two newer images I love - one in black and white with the parents’ hands, and one with the parents leaning in over the baby while backlit.

We went with classic boy colors in blue and tan, adding in some cream to go with the family’s wardrobe. Their full family picture is just perfect and big brother was truly a trooper and super agreeable during all of his photos. He did caution me to be careful with his brother as he “cries all the time.” Good thing I was careful since I hardly heard a peep from Brayden during his entire session!

A big congrats to this family on your newest little boy! I’ve loved working with you all and hope to see you down the road as your boys grow.

Brayden Newborn Boy Blue Collage

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.