Kyle's Senior Sneak Peek

This young man had a wonderful evening for his senior photo session and I enjoyed getting to know him and chat about his last year in high school and plans for the future. Kyle and I had a lot of fun around one of my favorite locations and our sunset was the perfect end to a great session!

Kyle and his mom met me for an evening of capturing his senior pictures so he has them in time for yearbook submissions. We had great weather with golden hour light, and Kyle was a super easy-going guy and humored me as we tried all kinds of various places and poses.

We started with his causal black shirt and he had a great pair of sneakers for his first look. We did pictures among the pine trees and then walked over to the clubhouse where his shirt was a great contrast to the red wooden doors and rocks in the area. The clouds were also gorgeous so we captured a few pictures of him with the sky and mountains as his backdrop.

Then Kyle had a second maroon shirt and we had fun experiementing with some fun shots near the bridge and again with the sunset in the background. He even tried some serious pics and I love how he totally could pull that off, as I could never quite do them myself. My favorite, though, was right when we were taking one he caught his mom’s eye and I captured a great laugh and smile!

He opted to walk down the hill a ways and I had a lot of fun ending our session with him in the tall native grasses with the blazing sunset behind him. He was truly a good sport and I enjoyed getting to hear about his college plans for civil engineering and applications. I wish him all the best this year!

Want to book a session for your high school senior? Summer and fall are the perfect times to get on my calendar to make sure you have your portraits before yearbook photo deadlines. Check it off your list and be ready to enjoy their senior year!