Josimar's Newborn Sneak Peek
Josimar was one awesome model during his big newborn photo debut! He snuggled right into my props and curled up like a champ and slept away despite being an older baby at a month old. Plus we captured great family photos with mom, dad, and older sister.
Josimar was preemie at birth at just 5lb 6 oz, and he wasn’t quite ready for newborn photos during that typical 2 week window. Yet he was a fabulous sleeper and still fit on the moon prop and in my buckets as he was still quite small for his age.
We did blue and grey colors and added in a few fun accents with sleepy caps and teddy bears. Josimar especially loved being wrapped and swaddled. That way we were able to preserve those special memories with parent photos and his older sister. My favorite is of big sister holding him on her lap showing off just how tiny he is!
After I ran through my usual flow on my bean bag with two fabrics, I had one more image that I wanted to brave and capture, but sweet Josimar woke up and quickly told me he was done. Since babies run the show around here, we stopped and let him reunite with mom to eat and he was one happy little guy.
A big congrats to this family on your new baby boy! And thank you for trusting me with such special photos and memories.
Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.