Kirwan's Newborn Sneak Peek
This sneak peek is super special as it’s my very own nephew! Kirwan made his debut earlier than anyone expected, so he’s still working hard to grow. But I’m so excited to be an aunt and get to take these photos for him and my sister, plus I got to truly snuggle him afterwards which was the best.
Kirwan has some of the longest legs and feet I’ve ever seen which is saying something! In fact he didn’t mind being curled up or in props, but his legs were too long for one pose in particular. But he did a great job trying out lots of different pants and sleepy caps and sleeping on the bean bag.
His nursery has a mountain theme with animals like bears, moose, and deer around the room and as stuffed animals. It was fun to incorporate that theme into his photos and I expect that the giant moose in particular will return to the studio over the next year to capture photos with Kirwan as he grows.
My sister also had a pair of knit hockey skates and a New York Rangers hat that is a favorite team of my brother-in-law, so we worked that into several photos just for dad.
Kirwan let me practice a new pose for me, the potato sack. I’ve learned the wrapping and safety of this pose, but haven’t been able to try it before. It’s a composite to always make sure the baby is properly supported and his airway is always open, so I wanted to make sure everything was perfect to not only capture the photos but keep him safe at all times. Kirwan did a wonderful job!
I’m so excited to have Kirwan join the family and my kids have talked nonstop about how they now have a cousin. We can’t wait to watch him grow and change, and for now I’ll enjoy all those tiny snuggles as Aunt Jenni.
Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.