Evans' Newborn Sneak Peek

Evans was a super snuggly little guy for his newborn photo session. Plus I got to photograph his older sister last year during her newborn session, and it was so great to see how much she has grown and meet the newest addition to the family.

His mom requested blue, grey, and cream colors, so we kept the theme focused around those blankets and wraps. I did pull out the moon prop as his older sister had be photographed on the same thing and I so love those types of comparison photos for siblings. This time, though, she got to sit next to the moon while her baby brother curled up on top.

Evans took one quick feeding right before we moved to the bucket, and it’s amazing how after the he seemed to truly relax. We were able to capture several in the bucket, even some with a little deer hat and lovey, and then he snuggled into the heart bowl perfectly.

We ended with the sweet photos on the beanbag with both a denim blue and grey fabric. Evans loved being on his tummy and let us add in all kinds of hats and the deer lovey again. And the bonus was he cooperated a the very end for the chin in hands pose, with his mom clicking the camera while I posed and kept Evans safely supported. Now the family has both that pose and the moon images to compare between their kids.

A big congrats to this family on your sweet baby boy! I so loved seeing you all again and preserving these special memories.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.