Brett's Senior Sneak Peek

I got to spend time with this awesome senior and his family and we had a blast walking around taking pictures on a gorgeous Colorado evening. Brett’s family and mine are both involved in Cub Scouts, so it was especially fun to banter back and forth with them and basically just have fun capturing their oldest son’s senior pictures. Brett was such a trooper to endure my bad jokes (hey they get great authentic smiles) and his mom was awesome with helping steady my new portable lighting system.

Brett had three different looks for our session: a suit, a lighter outfit, and a darker outfit. As per my usual, I was sure to capture a yearbook worthy image in each outfit so his family has a few choices. Schools have very specific requirements for the types of headshots they want, so I always make sure we get several during a session that fit. We got some great photos in the suit among the pine trees and then some “tough guy” images with a rustic wooden door. Then I was informed that the white outfit was his favorite so we spent extra time walking around our location to get plenty of photos in it for Brett. Then for his final outfit we ended with an amazing Colorado sunset over the mountains and I kept telling him he really lucked out to have such an amazing evening for his senior pictures.

Brett, I so enjoyed getting to know you more and wish you congrats on making it to your senior year!

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Want to book a session for your graduating senior? Summer is the perfect time is a great time to get on my calendar to make sure you have your portraits before yearbook photos are due. Check it off your list and be ready before school even starts this fall!