Carter Sneak Peek

I got some sweet baby snuggles yesterday from this little guy. Carter's grandma knows the grandparents of a baby girl I photographed over the summer, and I was so excited she asked me to be her first grandson's newborn photographer. Carter's mom mentioned she created a "woodlands" theme for his nursery, and I had a blast planning his colors and props to match the décor in his room. I even got lucky and found a few items at the grocery store, of all places, just the day before the session! Plus, Carter's dad is from Texas so we incorporated his family's heirloom cowboy boots into several pictures.

I'd been warned that this little man was a tough one and that he didn't like to be undressed or naked. But he did fabulous for his photo debut! We took a break at the beginning for him to eat and kept him wrapped or with some fabric across his back. Then he truly zonked out and was great during his session. I cannot wait to finish his gallery and show the family the rest of his beautiful pictures!

Thanks again to his mom and grandma for selecting me to preserve these special memories! I always feel honored to be part of such a special time.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.


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