Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Eli's Newborn Photo Sneak Peek

I was so excited to see this family again after the birth of their second little boy. I got to meet them a few years ago for newborn photos of their first son, and now I got to include big brother for his sibling’s newborn pictures - what a treat!

Eli was a great little trooper during his newborn session, letting us use various props and buckets. We incorporated some of the same props that big brother had used for his pictures, and then we also brought out the moon prop. It was fun to have Eli on the twig bed while his big brother sat next to it, the same bed that he had slept on for his newborn photos.

Mom had requested to use greens in the session so we used similar colors as the older brother with green and tan, but also kept some blue to make Eli’s photos unique. I also loved the wrap and custom hat she brought in, so we added those in for pictures in the heart bowl and a few on the beanbag.

Eli even let us capture a special photo with his chin on his hands wearing the bear hat. This was the exact same pose and hat from big brother’s newborn pictures so it will be so fun to share this pic in particular with the family! And I think Eli looks just as adorable.

A big congrats to this family on your new little one! I so enjoyed seeing you all and becoming best buds with your older son. Enjoy your little peek at Eli’s photos!

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.