Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Daphne's Newborn Sneak Peek

It was so wonderful to see this family again, now as they welcomed their second baby girl! Daphne was so precious during her newborn photography session, sleeping the entire time and being indifferent to any props or poses. She had the best chubby cheeks and continuously stuck out her little tongue during our time together and I had such fun with her photos and adding flower details.

We did pinks and creams for their oldest daughter’s session a few year’s ago, so her mom wanted to do a different color scheme in purple and green for Daphne. I love these colors together for girls, and flower details are a perfect compliment with the greenery on vines or stems.

Daphne breezed through her big props like the twig bed and the bucket, and was then loved being swaddled and tucked into the big blanket with the teddy bear. We copied some of the props and things from her sister so it’d be fun to have those portraits side-by-side later, but then I added a few new ones that I more recently acquired.

One was the heart bowl, and Daphne, on her own, snuggled in and rested her hand against her cheek in the most precious way. I love when babies stretch and then relax on their own as each baby has their own preference on hands near the face, overhead, under their chin, etc.

Daphne also rocked the swing and I had fun adding in purple flowering vines above the ropes and adding in the small teddy bear for her to hold. She was a great little model all the way to the end, and I wish this family a huge congrats on their newest addition!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.