Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Liam's Newborn Sneak Peek

How special to see this family again for Liam’s studio newborn session! After photographing his mom’s maternity session and meeting Liam at the hospital, it’s been such a joy to be part of this journey as the couple welcomed their first baby.

Liam was still a precious little chunk and a fabulous sleeper during his entire newborn session. We went with blues and tans and I had fun bringing out the twig bed and other special props for him. His mom also loved the moon crate after seeing it in the studio, and that was one of my favorites with Liam tucked inside.

His parents are also hockey fans and I had a special knit Avalanche hat and skates, courtesy of my sister when my nephew was born. So while we were capturing some classic pictures, we also had fun adding in the hockey picture and a Denver Broncos pic with a hat and mini felted football.

Liam didn’t mind if he was wrapped up, on his tummy, or his back, which made for a fun session where I could take time with his hats and poses. He was still so sleepy as I neared the end that I pulled out the new swing prop at the last minute and get an adorable photo of him holding the ropes of the swing.

I wish this family a huge congratulations on sweet Liam and it’s been such an honor to photograph this journey. I hope to see you all again as Liam grows!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.