Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Hayley's Maternity Sneak Peek

Hayley and her husband, Ethan, had a beautiful summer evening for her maternity session. We travelled to two of my favorite locations, and while it was overcast and cloudy the weather was warm without being too hot and we had beautiful lighting. Not long now before they welcome their first baby at the end of the summer!

We started at the little lake and water location which is always so nice in the summer and fall with the green plants all around. The gnats were out but at least any biting bugs stayed away, and we captured beautiful pics of Hayley along the water. It’s funny how I forget any bugs until I’m editing and then I find them over pictures in random spots! At least they are easy to remove!

After a short drive to the mountain area, it seemed so much quieter after the rushing water. We could see the peeking mountains under the clouds, and the golden hour light was gorgeous. Hayley humored me with walking around the location so I could filter the light between trees and I love the couples images with the sunset.

We also had beautiful yellow roses around the area so we definitely had to get a few pictures with those! After walking around for a bit we ended back on the rolling hill to see the final sunset and capture our final pics of the couple together.

I can’t wait to see this family again soon after they welcome their little one! But until then, enjoy this little peek into their maternity session.

Thinking of booking a maternity session for your little bump? It's never too early to get on my calendar to make sure we time it right in your third trimester. I love to offer these special sessions to my newborn clients, so check out my newborn package and be sure to preserve all these special memories for YOUR family!