Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Ainsley's Newborn Sneak Peek

Sweet Ainsley is finally here! I was honored to get to photograph her mom’s maternity pictures and meet the couple earlier this year, and we’ve all been eagerly awaiting this little one’s arrival. Ainsley was absolutely perfect and so relaxed I was able to not only capture tiny hands and curly sleepy posed, but I got to try out a brand new swing prop.

Her parents sent me a few inspiration photos with real flowers and then brought in two bouquets of gorgeous roses for me to incorporate into her pictures. We did a few of her laying on the ground with them and I loved the reds and peach accents with the purple wrap.

We also captured parent pictures and Ainsley didn’t mind being wrapped or on her tummy or back. She was so wonderfully sleepy I was able to really adjust her tiny fingers and try a few different props and camera angels since she was so agreeable.

My favorite was my new swing prop and I’ve been itching to photograph it in the studio. Ainsley let me mess with positioning and lighting, and then I was inspired to add the roses and create something really magical with her.

We ended with the chin in hands poses, which not all babies can do for various reasons, and not only did Ainsley do it with ease, she was still passed out afterwards!

It was such a joy to get to meet this sweet baby and capture these memories for the new family of three. Congrats on your newest addition and I hope to see you all again as Ainsley grows!

Want to book your own newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after your baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.