Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Cooper's Newborn Sneak Peek

Cooper was such a wonderful little chunk for his big newborn photo debut! I could already see so much of his personality as Cooper spent most of the session gazing at me or my studio light. But he was also so peaceful and calm about it that it sure brought a smile, and you better believe by the end I’d used every ounce of my baby whisperer charms to get him to sleep for those special, final photos on the beanbag.

Cooper arrived asleep so we did my two big props first. I love doing these after babies have fallen asleep during the car ride over as that’s typically the best time when they are relaxed. His parents had requested the moon and hot air balloon props and he was already such a little chunk that he was on the verge of not fitting in the balloon basket.

After those props Cooper woke up and was very chill and peaceful during all his family pictures with mom and dad, and during his swaddled time on the blanket. In fact, he was so calm that I decided to add a quick box to the mix and rewrapped him in a new swaddle and tucked him inside to capture his big eyes and funny faces as he gazed at the clicking camera.

Then he ate a few bottles and after some rocking and swaying in the warm quiet room, the little guy finally fell deeply asleep. I flew through the rest of my poses on the beanbag but he was truly out. I was not only able to do two different blue blankets, but even was able to pose his little fingers while wrapping him in a circle at the end.

It’s not often I get to see so much personality from my little newborns when they come in, and I do secretly like the extra baby snuggles. So enjoy this little peek of Cooper!

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.