Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Eyosan's Newborn Sneak Peek

I so enjoyed getting to photography sweet Eyosan last week for his newborn photo session. I got to meet this family almost 2 years go for big brother’s newborn pictures, and now their family has grown again by another little boy. What an honor to be part of more of these special memories!

Eyosan was a big dude at over 10 pounds and I absolutely love his chunky rolls and cheeks. He liked to be awake and was very content to gaze around peacefully, so I was able to capture a few with his eyes open before lulling him back to sleep for our big prop photos.

At one point he was finally relaxed and asleep and I captured some adorable photos of him on his back in my new overall outfit. He was the perfect little model and then slept all the way until the end when we did a few more family pictures.

Eyosan was so wide awake in all his family photos that you just had to chuckle. It seems like his personality is already shining through and he knows what he prefers. So we took his lead and just took photos of him awake and had to smile at how different he already is from older brother.

It truly was so wonderful to see this family again! Enjoy this little sneak peek of your new precious little boy.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.