Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Josimar's 6 Month Milestone Sneak Peek

I cannot believe how adorable this little guy has become! I last saw Josimar when he was about a week old, and it was so wonderful to see him and his mom again for these 6 month milestone pictures. He has grown into one happy baby and I loved photographing him at this rolly polly sitter stage.

Josimar had a cute little outfit with a bow tie and suspenders and did a great job sitting up. He still needs just that tiny bit of support behind him with a pillow just in case he topples over. So I used my trusty moon pillow to make sure he had a soft landing should he fall.

He was such an incredibly happy baby, too! Every time he found his mom he would just break into the biggest smile. Plus he LOVED grabbing his toes and rolling around on the blanket and I captured the cutest faces he made while eating his feet.

His mom also had a request for two particular pictures. One was him sitting by the french doors with the stuffed animals next to him, and one was him laying on a blanket on his tummy. We snagged that first one really quick before the poor guy fell sideways reaching for one of the animals but it came out perfectly!

Josimar truly made for a fun morning this week with all those amazing baby rolls and smiles. Six months is just such a fun age to capture and I hope to see him again for more of these special milestones.

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.

JENNIFER LYNN PHOTOGRAPHY: Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family