Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Brendan's 6 Month Sneak Peek

Brendan is growing bigger and bigger each time I see him, and now is sitting up all on his own. He came into the studio for his 6 month milestone photos and he kept us all smiling with this awesome grins, blowing spit bubbles, and grabbing his toes.

Brendan and his family returned for another baby milestone, and I so enjoy seeing these little ones grow over a year and show new personalities each time. His older sisters were again great listeners and super helpful at a getting a sibling photo, and this time we even got some with mom. I just love when moms get in front of the camera as we seem to always be taking the photos instead. And Brendan just lit up with his mom and snuggled into her.

We also captured a new updated photo of Brendan in the family soup pot. This time he was able to sit up unassisted and curiously looked around as we snapped away with photos. I think some of my favorites are of him actually looking down where you can see his chubby cheeks and long lashes.

I also snagged one of my favorite setups with Brendan, of him sitting facing the wall but lined up with some stuffed animals. There is something that just brings a smile to your face when you see a cute little baby bottom, and Brendan is at the perfect age where he could sit and play with a toy (or crinkly wipes) and not crawl away.

As always it truly was fun to see this family again and I so look forward to our next photos in a few months.

Thinking of booking a session for your child or baby? It's never too early or too late, especially to make sure you preserve all those milestone memories of baby's first year! Contact me today to book your session and ask about my baby milestone package for all of baby's first year.

JENNIFER LYNN PHOTOGRAPHY: Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family