Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Enzo's Newborn Sneak Peek

This sweet little guy was my first newborn of the year, and he didn’t disappoint! He had a full head of hair, loved being curled on his back, and we captured some adorable newborn memories for his family.

Enzo’s newborn photos had lots of classic baby boy colors in blue, grey, and white. He was a perfect fit on the moon prop and even let us add in a few quick pictures on the cedar sled since he’s a winter baby. I loved pulling out the snowflakes for those images along with the snowflake sleepy cap.

Enzo needed a few breaks during out photo session, which was perfectly acceptable as the little ones always run the show! Plus, it’s so important to make sure babies aren’t overheating or getting dehydrated, and Enzo was always much happier and sleepier after some snuggles with mom.

To help get him comfortable again, we wrapped him up and did family photos with mom and dad. I just love how tiny newborns look in their parent’s arms, and the backlit images with everyone close to the baby.

We ended with my normal flow of poses on the beanbag, and Enzo very much preferred being on his back versus his tummy. He fell into a nice deep sleep curled up on his back, and we were even able to snag the final chin in hands pose at the very end.

A big congrats to this family on your sweet baby boy! And thanks for trusting me to preserve such special memories.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.