Jennifer Lynn Photography

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Alice and Grace's Twin Girl Newborn Sneak Peek

After several sessions in a row with cute little boys, it was so fun to bring out the pink and purple girl items for this special newborn photo session. Alice and Grace are identical twins, so I made sure to keep each girl in her own color pallet so parents can know who is who, and I also had my trusty spotter (aka husband) there at all times to keep an extra set of eyes on the babies.

The last twins session I did was for identical boys and we used the moon prop for a fun photo of the two of them together. With Alice and Grace, I thought what could be more girly and fun than both girls in the princess carriage! The girls did a wonderful job and my spotter was always next to the prop making sure each girl was safe.

The girls also each had their own oxygen tanks as they needed small levels still. So while we kept track of each girl in each color, we also kept track of pacis (in the same coordinating colors) and oxygen tanks. We kept Alice in the pink colors and with pink wraps during all the images, while Grace was in the purple wraps and headbands.

The girls stopped and ate (at the same time!), which was too funny as I’d planned in the moment to do individual photos with one sister then switch after the feedings. They promptly informed me that they eat together, so we went with the flow and captured those special images after everyone had a full tummy again.

We finished on the beanbag where the girls almost seemed to switch personalities after that feeding. I ended up changing who was the baby on the bottom of the “tushie up twin pose” as one sister was more deeply asleep than the other. But overall, both girls were fabulous models and I am honored to be part of their special story and these special memories for the family.

Want to book your newborn photography session? It’s never too early! Newborn sessions are best when they take place within 5-14 days after baby’s birth so request to get on my calendar at the beginning of your second trimester to guarantee time around your estimated due date.